Fischertechnik Advanced - Cable car, 269 pcs.

Dimension package: 32 x 23,5 x 9 cm
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They cross imposing mountain ranges, connect cities and urban districts, transport people or loads: cable cars are impressive and worth discovering. The kit contains three different, realistic cable car models that are attached, for example, with vacuum pads and bridge distances and heights in the children's room. The exciting subject moves to the children's room and the different functions of the cable cars are explored. Contents: tire drive, 6 meters of cable (rope), gondola, playing figure and instructions.
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Itemcode: 2580677
Dimension package: 32 x 23,5 x 9 cm
Suitable for: From 7 years
EAN code: 4048962458558
Price in euros: Excl. VAT and excl. shipping costs
Brand: Fischertechnik
Material: Plastic
Found in the following categories:
  • Warning: Not suitable for children under 3 years due to small parts.

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