STABILO CarbOthello - Lime Pastel Colored Pencil - Metal Set 48 Pcs.

Dimension: packaging 32 x 18.5 cm
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STABILO CarbOthello metal pencil case with 48 pencils. STABILO CarbOthello is a pastel crayon in pencil form. With a deep color intensity and light shine, even on dark surfaces. As a pencil ideal for very precise work and details. Thanks to the soft point, also suitable for thin paper. The stripe is - just like with charcoal - dry and grainy.
- For fine lines and details.
- Can be processed dry and wet.
- Partly watercolourable: the contours remain visible.
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Itemcode: 4210314
Dimension: packaging 32 x 18.5 cm
EAN code: 4006381279642
Price in euros: Excl. VAT and excl. shipping costs
Brand: Stabilo
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