Corolle Mon Premier Poupon Calin Baby Doll - Jeanne, 30cm

Dimension item: length 30 cm
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For his 45th birthday, Corolle presents his little baby to cuddle: Bébé Calin Jeanne Anniversary Edition.

Bébé Calin Jeanne is a small collector's doll of 30 cm. The size is perfect for the small arms and hands of an 18 month old child and is easy to handle. Thanks to her flexible body, she can adopt the same positions as a real baby.

Baby Calin Jeanne has white skin and blue eyes. Her face, arms and legs are made of soft-touch vinyl with the delicate scent of vanilla. With her sleepy eyes she falls asleep when you lay her on her back. Little doll Jeanne can also suck her thumb or take the pacifier.

For the 45th anniversary, Corolle created this little baby doll, dressed in a beautiful outfit consisting of a skirt with real heart-shaped pockets with floral print and a navy blue sweatshirt with a matching Peter Pan collar with flowers. An old Corolle logo is screen printed on the sweatshirt. To complete her outfit, Bébé Calin Jeanne Anniversary Edition wears a pair of small pink slippers and wears a pink headband with a floral bow to match her outfit.

Suitable for children from 18 months old.
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Itemcode: 5610632
Dimension item: length 30 cm
Dimension package: 34 x 20 x 11 cm
Suitable for: From 18 months
EAN code: 4062013100746
Price in euros: Excl. VAT and excl. shipping costs
Colour: Multicolor
Brand: Corolle
Material: Vinyl
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